Portal release notes

The version of the portal is shown at the bottom of the portal page. The semantics of the version is the following:

canceridc.<date of webapp deployment in YYYYMMDDHHMM>.<first 6 characters of the commit hash>,

where revision hash corresponds to that of the IDC WebApp repo.

18.0 April 9, 2024 (canceridc.202404091237.841769c)

  • on the Explore Images page the IDC internal id for each collection can now be copied from the Collections table by clicking the corresponding copy icon

  • on the Explore Images page the IDC case id can now be copied from the Selected Cases table by clicking the corresponding copy icon

17.0 December 19, 2023 (canceridc.202312191019.53f66ba)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • add a choice of several viewers (OHIF v2, OHIF v3, VolView, Slim) for viewing image files

16.0 September 15, 2023 (canceridc.202309151254.a6dfd6a)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • s5cmd file manifests can now be generated from the Explore images page for individual studies and series

15.0 July 14, 2023 (canceridc.202307141313.c80a691)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • The file manifest for a filter can be downloaded without logging into the portal and creating a persistent cohort

14.0 May 3, 2023 (canceridc.202305031458.443ea83)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • The Export Cohort Manifest popup now includes options to download manifests that can be used by s5cmd to download image files from IDC's s3 buckets in GCP or AWS. Instructions are provided for using s5cmd with these manifests

13.0 March 7, 2023 (canceridc.202303071044.57def9a)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Three new Original Image attributes Max Total Pixel Matrix Columns, Max Total Pixel Matrix Rows, and Min Pixel Spacing are added.

  • Two new Quantitative Analysis attributes Sphericity (Quant) and Volume of Mesh are added.

  • Default attribute value order is changed from alphanumeric (by value name) to value count.

12.0 - November 2, 2022 (canceridc.202211092039.87ca478)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • As limited access collections have been removed from IDC, the portal is now simplified by removing the option of selecting different access levels. All collections in the portal are public.

  • A warning message appears on the cohort browser page when a user views a cohort that used the Access filter attribute. That attribute is no longer applied if the user migrates the cohort to the current version.

  • On the explorer page the reset button has been moved to improve viewability.

11.0 - September 8, 2022 (canceridc.202209081302.acb8ce3)

This was primarily a data release. There were no significant changes to the portal.

10.0 - August 3, 2022 (canceridc.202208040944.6c798a2)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • User control over how selection of multiple filter modalities defines the cohort. Previously when multiple modalities were selected the cohort would include the cases that had ANY of the selected modalities. Now the user can choose if the cohort includes the cases that contain ANY of the selected modaltiies or just those that have ALL of the selected modalities.

9.0 - May 19, 2022 (canceridc.202205191051)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Ability to select specific Analysis Results collections with segmentation and radiomic features

  • Text boxes added to the slider panels to allow the user to input upper and lower slider bounds

  • Pie chart tooltips updated to improve viewability

8.0 - April 4, 2022 (canceridc.202204050856.2920c81)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Eleven new collections added

  • Number of cases, studies, and series in a cohort are reported in the filter de finition

  • On the Exploration page the Access attribute is placed in the Search Scope

  • On the Exploration page users are warned when they create a cohort that includes Limited Access collections

  • Series Instance UID is reported in the Selected Series table

7.0 - February 7, 2022 (canceridc.202202071117.164252a)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • The BigQuery query string corresponding to a cohort can now be displayed in user-readable format by pressing a button on either the cohort or cohort list pages

  • On the exploration page collections can now be sorted alphabetically or by the number of cases. Selected cases are ordered at the top of the collection list

  • Table rows can be selected by clicking anywhere within the row, not just on the checkbox

  • The BigQuery export cohort manifest includes the IDC data version as an optional column

6.0 - January 10, 2022 (canceridc.202201101504.eb0e309)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Collections which have limited access are now denoted as such in the Collection tab on the Exploration page

  • Links to image files belonging to limited collections have been removed from the Studies and Series tables on the Exploration page

  • The quota of image file data that can be served per user per day has been reduced from 137 to 40 GB

5.0 - December 9, 2021 (canceridc.202112091128.eb0e309)

Main highlights of this release include:

  • New attributes including Manufacturer, Manufacturer Model Name, and Slice Thickness added

  • Checked attribute values are now shown at the top of the attribute value lists

  • Ability to search by CaseID added to the Selected Cases table

  • Ability to search by StudyID added to the Selected Studies table

  • Study Date added to the Studies Table

  • Changed the persistence of the StudyID tooltip in the tables so that the StudyID can be copied from the tooltip

  • Specific columns can now be selected in the BigQuery cohort export

2.1.0 - August 2021 (canceridc.202108261153.70f59e0)

The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Support for slide microscopy series from the CPTAC-LSCC and CPTAC-LUAD collections is now included.

  • The Slim viewer is now configured to view slide microscopy series

  • Search boxes are included for very attribute to search for specific attribute values by name.

2.0.0 - June 2021 - (canceridc.202106250849.876f912)

The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.

Main highlights of this release include:

  • 112 data collections are now included

  • Cohort data version is reported

  • Cohort statistics - ie the number the cases, studies, and series per cohort are now reported

  • Mechanism included to update a version cohort

  • Species Attribute is included

  • Checkbox and plus/minus icons are now used to select table rows

1.3.0 - March 2021 (canceridc.202103011131.27ce3b3)

The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.

Main highlights of this release include:

  • The user details page will no longer return a 500 error when selected

  • Sorting of studies panel is now active for all fields

  • Re-sending of an unreceived verification email is now more clearly explained.

  • IDC identity login header and column selection is disabled for the exportation of a cohort manifest to BigQuery

  • Detailed information panel added to efficiently describe why some pie charts have multiple facets even when a filter is selected

  • Cohort manifest export popup can be scrolled down

  • Use of Shift or Control (Command for Mac) selection of studies will now behave as expected: Shift-select for a contiguous series of rows, Control/Command-select for individual rows.

  • All filter selections are now sorted by alphabetical characters

1.2.0 - January 2021 (canceridc.202101111506.0a8af57)

The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Consistent number of files will be returned between the portal and BigQuery

  • When the user clicks a non-gov link a popup will appear

  • Cohort manifest export information now has clickable URLs to take you to the BigQuery console

  • Collections list displays by default 100 entries

  • Any empty search criteria is now highlighted in grey and no data will be listed

  • The user will no longer need to scroll to see search criteria in the left search configuration panel

  • Portal footer is now in compliance with NCI requirements

  • Check/uncheck in the collections panel added for collection TCGA

1.1.0 - December 2020 (canceridc.202012091728.674fff0)

The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.

Main highlights of this release include:

  • Case-level table is added to the portal

  • Cohorts can now be exported into BigQuery tables using the Export Cohort Manifest button

  • Cohorts less than 650k rows can now be downloaded as a multipart file. Cohorts larger that 600k rows can only be be exported to BigQuery (for users that are logged in with Google Accounts)

  • Quantitative filter ranges are updated dynamically with the updates to filter selection

  • Pie charts will display "No data available" message when zero cases are returned for the given filter selection

  • RTPLAN and Real World Mapping Attribute values are now disabled at the series level, since they cannot be visualized in the IDC Viewer

  • Various bug fixes in both the IDC Portal and IDC Viewer

1.0.0 - October 2020 (canceridc.202010190226.4e8597)

The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.

Main features in this initial release include:

  • The ability to search for data in BigQuery and Solr

  • The ability to search by multiple attributes:

    • Collection

    • Original attributes e.g., Modality

    • Derived attributes e.g., Segmentations

    • Qualitative analysis e.g., Lobular pattern

    • Quantitative analysis e.g., Volume

    • related attributes e.g., Country

  • Display of collections results in a tabular format with the following information:

    • Collection Name

    • Total Number of Cases

    • Number of Cases(this cohort)

  • Display of the Selected Studies results in tabular format with the following information:

    • Project Name

    • Case ID

    • Study ID

    • Study Description

  • Display of the Selected Series results in tabular format with the following information:

    • Study ID

    • Series Number

    • Modality

    • Body Part Examined

    • Series Description

  • The ability to hide attributes with zero cases present

  • The ability to save cohorts

  • The ability to download the manifest of any cohort created

  • The ability to promote, filter, and load multiple series instances in the OHIF viewer

Last updated