Portal known issues
1.2.0 - January 2021 (canceridc.202101111506.0a8af57)
The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.
Some filter selections are not saved for cohort creation after logging into the interface - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#519
Entire page will scroll when using the cohort creation confirmation popup - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#514
Error exporting cohort into BigQuery table with integer filter values - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#492
500 error returned in developers console, problem fetching data - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#462
Age at diagnosis None selection is not listed on the cohort creation confirmation pop-up - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#420
Capitalization of collection names should be consistent with TCIA conventions in all places - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#414
"Show more" shows a negative number on occasion - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#374
Duplicate entries under object class with the name "Digital Mammography X-Ray Image" - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp/issues#233
Series and Study Tables need to account for 'unfetched data' - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#186
Clicking on the 2D MPR freezes the viewer when working on a Safari browser - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#213
1.1.0 - December 2020 (canceridc.202012091728.674fff0)
The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.
Error exporting cohort into BigQuery table with integer filter values - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#492
Series and Study Tables need to account for 'unfetched data' - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#186
Clicking on the 2D MPR freezes the viewer when working on a Safari browser - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#213
Duplicate entries under object class with the name "Digital Mammography X-Ray Image" - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp/issues#233
"Show more" shows a negative number on occasion - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#374
Capitalization of collection names should be consistent with TCIA conventions in all places - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#414
Age at diagnosis None selection is not listed on the cohort creation confirmation pop-up - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#420
Check all / uncheck all button below collection list does not work - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#445
The collection name is labeled Project Name in the studies section of the search results page - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#452
500 error returned in developers console, problem fetching data - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#462
-1 as value range error for standardized added metabolic activity filter - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#493
1.0.0 - October 2020 (canceridc.202010190226.4e8597)
The Imaging Data Commons Explore Image Data portal is a platform that allows users to explore, filter, create cohorts, and view image studies and series using cutting-edge technology viewers.
Data Exploration
Lack of consistent punctuation throughout the web app - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#414
Attribute values appear as blank when zero cases are present for the Search Configuration panel - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#423
An attribute selection combined with a Quantitative Analysis attribute selection will display all value options when no cases are available in certain use cases - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#341
Attribute slider for Quantitative values will display with zero cases present in attribute selection - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#425
The selection of the Age at Diagnosis None attribute is not reflected in the cohorts confirmation pop-up or the cohort details page - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#420
The download of the cohort manifest is truncated at 65,000 records ordered by PatientID, StudyID, SeriesID, and InstanceID - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#394
Duplication of value Digital Mammography X-Ray Image for Object Class attribute present in the data portal under the original tab - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#233
Data summary ribbon needs to be updated to account for NSCLC-Radiomics - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#437
Selection of a collection attribute on the no login required data exploration page doesn't save the selection after login - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#439
More detailed information can be found on GitHub under the ImagingDataCommons/Web-App repository. All tickets related to known issues within the data portal are labeled with either a bug or an enhancement label.
Image Visualization
The about box of the OHIF viewer reports the incorrect version number - OHIF/Viewers#2023
Selection of the Object class real-world mapping attribute will cause the OHIF viewer not to load
When working with the Safari browser, the 2D MPR functionality causes the viewer to freeze. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox when working with the Imaging Data Commons - ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp#213
Tag viewer version is currently broken for RT Struct series in the OHIF viewer - OHIF/Viewers#2122
The occasional return of a Chunk Load Error on the viewer load not handled correctly and will cause the viewer to fail - OHIF/Viewers#2021
The scroll bar is missing in the Tag viewer window - OHIF/Viewers#2029
When working with RT Structure sets, the RightSidePanel: Cannot read property 'SeriesInstanceUID' of undefined error returned in the viewer - OHIF/Viewers#2123
On occasion, the RTSTRUCT tab is shown when not applicable, does not load when opened - OHIF/Viewers#2017
The OHIF viewer doesn't load kidney and tumor plane segmentations found in TCIA - OHIF/Viewers#1345
Zoom does not Update Crosshairs in MPR Mode - OHIF/Viewers#1419
Unable to display the same scan in two viewports and displaying different RTSTRUCTs, SEGs, and cornerstone planar measurements in each - OHIF/Viewers#1522
SVG Crosshair issues in VTK - OHIF/Viewers#1696
More detailed information can be found in GitHub within the OHIF/Viewers repository. All tickets related to the Imaging Data Commons are labeled with either an IDC:candidate or an IDC:priority label.
Black screen while opening IDC Viewer
You may occasionally experience black screen while opening images in IDC Viewer, such as in the image below:
If this happens, try reloading the page several times, or clearing cache and doing hard reload, as shown below.
To track the status of this issue in GitHub please see OHIF/Viewers#2121.
Last updated
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